
New Assignor Registration/Renewal Policy (Comments Closed)


We are seeking comments regarding a draft policy for assignors to register and renew with US Soccer. The policy would apply to ongoing renewals in the years to come.

Proposed Assignor Renewal/Registration Requirements

Effective 1 January 2017, all persons that intend to become a registered Assignor with the US Soccer Federation for 2018 through CNRA will be required to satisfy the following requirements:

  • Be a registered USSF referee.
  • Have worked a minimum of 10 affiliated games.
  • Be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age.
  • Successfully pay for, attend, and complete a five (5) hour CNRA USSF Assignor Course.
  • Successfully complete and pass the CNRA USSF Assignor Test with 80% or better.

Effective 1 January 2017, all Assignors that intend to renew their registration with the US Soccer Federation for 2018 through CNRA will be required to satisfy the following:


1. Attend a minimum of one (1) CNRA Tier I Referee Academy, certified by the Tier I Coordinator.


2. Attend a minimum of two (2) CNRA Tier II Referee Academy, certified by the Tier II Coordinator.


B. Attend a minimum of one (1) CNRA Assignor In-Service in the previous calendar year.

The mission of this policy is to promote the very best assignors to all soccer levels.

Please leave your comments on this page or submit your confidential comments to the Assignor Coordinator, Kenyatta Scott. Comments will be closed on September 17.

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